Oh My Girls


Brand new arrival Yuri ~ 169cm,100 lbs,34B-23-33. Sexy Yuri is a naughty teen girl and want to drive you crazy while making you relive your teen years. She wants you to enjoy the charm and enthusiasm of a teen beauty when it comes to satisfying your desires.

Yuri ~ 165cm,100lbs,34B-23-33 五官立體性感俏皮友善待客,性感笑容随时挂在脸上~波浪长发披肩,天然B吸手波,闺房尽显风骚!芊芊柳腰让你一手揽入怀抱~热情奔放女友式服務这样贴心的服务通通让你把持不住啦~魅力四射,谈吐风趣,还有那撩人的性感姿态,舉手投足都散發著嫵媚...第一次來加國,保證各大車房沒有見過。可包天包夜包養。

Name Yuri
Height 166cm
Weight 100 LBS
Tattoo No
Ethnicity China
Size 34B-23-33
Services GF Dating Service,包天,包夜
Price 30 Mins = $150
45 Mins = $200
60 Mins = $280